Saturday, August 15, 2015

Review of The Cemetery Boys by Heather Brewer

Spencer’s going through a bad time right now. It’s not the first and it won’t be the last. The citizens all know how to stop it. Someone just has to do it.

With his mother institutionalized for mental illness and his father out of work, Stephen’s only choice is to move to Spencer, Michigan with his father. There he finds his uptight grandmother, a few mysterious teenagers, and a whole bunch of small town superstitions.

It doesn’t take long for Stephen to realize how seriously this small town takes its superstitions.


I absolutely loved this book. Its descriptions of locations and characters lend it a very dramatic atmosphere. The plot manages to seem fresh and new despite containing many aspects that should seem trite.

Additionally, it caters perfectly to anyone with an affinity for all things goth. There’s well described alternative outfits, an actually accurate portrayal of tarot reading, and tombstone rubbings done in a cemetery known as the Playground. One of the characters even smokes clove cigarettes. How much more stereotypically gothy can you get? Not much.

Also wonderful, there is a gay couple, Scott and Cam. They’re fairly quiet characters, but their sexuality doesn’t end up being the key aspect about them, and I love that. It’s so nice when characters just happen to be queer, instead of it being the only reason they’re there.

That being said, all of these aspects seem to fit. None of it feels forced or overbearing. These characters aren’t two-dimensional cut outs put there to force some diversity into the book. They’re just characters doing what they do. It feels natural.

…Even if by the end some of those characters turn out to be more than what they seem.

My one complaint is that there aren’t really very many female characters. There are a few, but most of them play fairly small parts. The female characters that are important to the story are interesting and fleshed out well, but overall it would have been nice to have a few more.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a bit of spooky reading. It has some fantasy aspects, but it doesn’t shove them down your throat. Instead, it implies the fantasy while still leaving it ultimately up to you to decide whether fantasy creatures or human beings were to blame. There are also some wonderfully tense moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t worry, the end won’t let you down either.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Favorite Feelings

Today I filmed a vlog about my favorite feeling. It's something a few YouTubers have done, namely Hank Green and charlieissocoolike. It seemed like an interesting idea so I gave it a try.

It was really easy for me to come up with ideas. By the time I was finished with the first version of my list I had about 23 items, including everything from being loved to sleeping well. From there I combined some things, cleaned up the phrasing, and came up with this.

Below is the final version of the list which is what I was reading from in the video.

Favorite Feelings:

  • Excitement.
  • The positive stress of working on a difficult project I'm passionate about.
  • Knowing something I did helped someone.
  • Having someone acknowledge hard work I did. People being proud of me.
  • Feeling confident and bad-ass.
  • Finding something I don't remember writing that is really good.
  • Being part of a community I enjoy.
  • Being able to tell someone anything and having complete communication with them.
  • When you're so excited about a conversation that it's like you can't say things fast enough.
  • Having someone include me in plans and make time for me. It shows that they appreciate me as much as I appreciate them.
  • Seeing my date-person.
  • Cuddles, hugs, and physical contact.
  • Being correctly gendered and having people use my pronouns (they/them/their).
  • Sword fighting and other fun strenuous physical activities.
  • Being alone after a long day.
  • Seeing the sky a half hour before dawn.
  • Falling asleep easily and wake up well rested.
  • Finding a book I know I'll love.
So, what are your favorite feelings? Feel free to share in the comments below, or even to write your own vlog post or film your own vlog. I'd love to see any responses.

Don't forget that you can also check out my YouTube channel or follow me on Google+.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lazy Saturday and a Heavy Dose of Smart Assery

If you're going to lay around reading all day, it makes sense to just stay in your pajamas, right?


...maybe that's true for most people.

Instead of being practical I decided to don several layers of black clothing and a coat of makeup to match. Hey, it was something to do. Besides, who doesn't want to look like death while lounging with a favorite book? Goths do have a reputation of being quite the readers. Maybe I'm just hoping to get my goth card stamped.

It's time for the obligatory and unedited mirror selfie. I hope you're ready for this masterpiece (sarcasm heavily implied of course).

What else did I do while all dressed up? I know you're all wondering that...except for those of you who aren't. Regardless, I posed with a dilapidated lawn chair. Yes. A dilapidated. Lawn. Chair. Wonder upon wonders how marvelous is that. Definitely A+ scenery material. 


Why be serious all the time when it's so much more fun to be a complete and utter sarcastic smart ass from time to time?