Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lazy Saturday and a Heavy Dose of Smart Assery

If you're going to lay around reading all day, it makes sense to just stay in your pajamas, right?


...maybe that's true for most people.

Instead of being practical I decided to don several layers of black clothing and a coat of makeup to match. Hey, it was something to do. Besides, who doesn't want to look like death while lounging with a favorite book? Goths do have a reputation of being quite the readers. Maybe I'm just hoping to get my goth card stamped.

It's time for the obligatory and unedited mirror selfie. I hope you're ready for this masterpiece (sarcasm heavily implied of course).

What else did I do while all dressed up? I know you're all wondering that...except for those of you who aren't. Regardless, I posed with a dilapidated lawn chair. Yes. A dilapidated. Lawn. Chair. Wonder upon wonders how marvelous is that. Definitely A+ scenery material. 


Why be serious all the time when it's so much more fun to be a complete and utter sarcastic smart ass from time to time?

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